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Saturday, 3 January 2009

Sweet Chicken Soup

Nice warming soup, sweet potatoes give it a sweet taste, easy to make and serves 4-6

You will need:-

1 small chicken breast cooked and finely chopped
3 sticks of celery, washed and roughly chopped
2 sweet potatoes cut into small chunks
3 carrots peeled and roughly chopped
1 onion, diced
2 cloves of garlic finely chopped
1 teaspoon of mixed herbs
1 stock cube
1 tablespoon low fat margarine such as Flora
salt and pepper to taste
fresh coriander finely chopped (optional)

Place a large pan over medium heat and melt the margarine, add all the chopped vegetables and cover, cook stirring occasionally for approx 10 minutes.

Add the stock cube together with mixed herbs, garlic and 2 pints of boiling water, stir pan and cover, bring to the boil and simmer for 20 minutes.

Remove from heat and using hand blender blend contents of pan until smooth. Add chopped chicken to the pan and return to the heat, leave pan uncovered and cook for a further 15 minutes.

Season with salt and pepper and add the chopped coriander if using.

Serve with fresh crusty bread.

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